Onion "Sochaczewska"
1.70€ 1.02€
Hibernal onion "Sochaczewska". Mid-season Polish variety producing uniform, well leveled bulbs suitable for long-term storage (76% until spring). The keeping quality of the bulbs is very good. The bulbs are round, bisexual, weighing..
Onion "Spirit" F1
1.89€ 1.13€
Hibernal onion "Spirit" F1. Early ripe hybrid variety of semi-sharp taste. Gives a high yield regardless of soil and climatic conditions. The bulbs are flat-round, dense, weighing 50-100 g. Dry outer scales are bronze-yellow, inner juicy ..
Onion "Yellow sweet Spanish"
Onion "Yellow sweet Spanish". A mid-late variety (110-140 days) of salad onions with a slightly pungent taste. The flesh is juicy and crispy. The bulb is round, large, well-aligned, medium density, single- or double-budded, weighing 100-1..
Oregano "Joy of the mountain" (wintersweet)
Oregan "Joy of the mountain" - Origanum vulgare.  Three in one: decorative, spicy and medicinal culture. Perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family up to 80 cm high with a strong aromatic odour. Good honey plant. Very de..
Ornamental squash "Large Fungo"
Ornamental pumpkin "Large Fungo". An annual turban pumpkin will serve as a wonderful decoration for your garden. The fruits, shaped like small mushrooms with a red cap and white thick stem, look bright and unusual. Vines, covered wi..
Peasalat "Lento"
0.91€ 0.54€
Lettuce "Lento". Variety intended for all year round field growing, especialy for direct sowing. The head is large, dark green, firm and closed off. It is very healthy, resistant to bolting therefore is suitable for staggered harvests. Th..
Potato "SOLHY007F1"
4.88€ 2.92€
Potato "SOLHY007F1". The variety is characterized by an elongated oval shape, smooth skin, high palatability and high disease resistance. The tubers are even, with yellow skin and small eyes. Recommended for growing seedlings. There are a..
Pumpkin "Delica" F1
4.20€ 2.52€
Portion pumpkin Delica F1 - Cucurbita maxima Duchesne. Productive and sweet green-skinned "Hokkaido" type hybrid. Keeps well in dry conditions, suitable for baking. * PUMPKIN. During the period of storage of fruits, the pumpkin ripens ..
Pumpkin "Gele Reuzen"
1.52€ 0.91€
Pumpkin "Gele Reuzen". Important: pumpkin seeds are placed in the ground only flat, sprinkled and pressed with earth. If you put them in a different way or press them badly with the ground, then the plant will simply “pull out&rdq..
Pumpkin "Grey Queen"
4.94€ 2.96€
Pumpkin "Grey Queen" ("Hokkaido" type). Excellent for cooking, baking and frying. Fruits that are stored in a dry place are well storable. * GROWING FEATURES. Pumpkin is a heat-loving crop. It needs not only soil moisture, b..
Pumpkin "Marina di Chioggia"
Pumpkin "Marina di Chioggia". This unique Italian heirloom variety, rich in vitamin A, bears large, turban-shaped fruits with thick, knobbly skin and sweet yellow-orange flesh. Its excellent flavour improves markedly with storage. * &q..
Pumpkin "Red d´Etampes"
2.74€ 1.64€
Pumpkin "Rouge Vif d Etampes". Middle late variety. Produces middle-sized 10 kg fruits. Orange-yellow flesh. Good storage ability. A French heirloom variety resembling Cinderella s carriage and earning it its nickname "Cinderell..
Pumpkin "Solor" F1
2.74€ 1.64€
Portion pumpkin "Solor" F1 (type "Hokkaido"). HEALING AND DIETARY PROPERTIES. Pumpkin is one of the best food plants. In terms of calories it is equivalent to cauliflower, rich in pectin, and in terms of iron content it i..
Pumpkin "Tondo Chiaro di Nizza"
Pumpkin "Tondo Chiaro di Nizza". An early variety (the period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 50-55 days), intended for obtaining a large number of seeds with excellent taste. The fruit is round, at first slightly ribbed. ..
Purple coneflower
1.28€ 0.76€
Eastern purple coneflower. Perennial growing to 1.2m by 0.5m . It is hardy to zone 3 and is not frost tender. It is in flower from July to August. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects. We rat..
Radish "Candela di Fuoco"
1.83€ 1.09€
Long radish "Candela di Fuoco". Powerful, tasty, crunchy! Mid-early (32-42 days from germination to technical maturity) variety. The root crop is red with white-pink transverse striation, long-cylindrical, 12-13 cm long, 2-2.5 cm in ..
Radish "Cherry Belle"
0.91€ 0.54€
Round radish "CHERRY BELLE". Early variety, harvested after 20-27 days after germination. Root crops are round, red, white flesh, juicy, mild taste. Grow best in light to moderate, soft hummus rich, non-acid (pH 6,0-7,0) soil without weeds..
Radish "Gaudry 2"
1.89€ 1.13€
Radish "Gaudry 2". Early, high-yielding variety. Grows within 22-25 days after seeds germinate. The root crop is regular shaped, bright red in colour, medium size, and not pungent. Can be grown in open fields and greenhouses. Radish for ..
Radish "Jõgeva 169" (on the tape)
Radish "Jõgeva 169" (on the tape). Very early, 20-24 days from emergence to technical maturity. Round to flattened-round root. Average diameter 2,5 cm, weight 15-20 g. Suitable for spring cultivation. Редис "Jõgeva 16..
Radish "Jutrzenka"
2.37€ 1.42€
All season radish "Jutrzenka". Delicate, juicy, tasty and full of vitamins pulp! An excellent high-yielding variety of all-season radish, intended for cultivation from early spring to late autumn in the open field, and in the early sprin..
Radish "Karmina" (summer)
1.46€ 0.87€
Red long summer radish "Karmina". An early summer variety that is easy to grow. Cone-shaped roots with carmine-red skin. The flesh of the root crop is white with a pleasant taste. This variety is suitable for direct consumption. * The nu..
Radish "Korund"
0.97€ 0.58€
Radish "Korund". Mid-early variety: from germination to ripening 30-35 days. The root vegetable is round with an anthocyanin-red skin color. 1 g contains 100-120 seeds. Radish red. ..
Radish "Kvarta"
0.97€ 0.58€
Radish "Quart" (Kvarta). An early ripening variety with amicable formation of aligned, attractive root crops. It will surprise you with large root crops with high technological qualities and will compete with any other prestigious variety..
Radish "Kvarta"
1.40€ 0.84€
Red radish "Kvarta". An early ripening variety with amicable formation of aligned, attractive root crops. It will surprise you with large root crops with high technological qualities and will compete with any other prestigious variety. R..
Radish "National 2"
0.91€ 0.54€
Radish "National 2". Early variety to grow in greenhouse and outdoors for spring and autumn market. Sow in fertile and loose soil in 10-15 cm distant rows leaving 4-8 cm between seeds.Plant requires moisture. Matures 20-30 days after germi..
Showing 176 to 200 of 297 (12 Pages)